A montessori approach to teaching kids how to build healthy habits and routines by learning the basics of action and reaction through a growing plant.

responsibility, routine, and safety

“routines help children feel safe, develop life skills and build healthy habits. routines help parents feel organized, reduce stress and find time for enjoyable activities. good routines are well planned, regular and predictable.” raising children, australia

“habits in children allow them to have security in the things they do” janabebe, spain

how does it work?
twist pot and plant rises
add watering can and leaves shake
change leaves and arrange based on preference


5 years + child that begins
awareness of living things


while watering the real plants


at home


simulates routine
+ responsibility

mood + material

mechanism research

crystal, mineral deodorant stick

︎︎︎ mechanism operates in incremental growth

︎︎︎ can be translated into
“mixing soil” in the faux plant

3D model for plate
FDM print / laser cut


fdm print

+ clean
+ precise
- friction with resolution
- difficulty integrating magnets


laser cut

+ aesthetic friendly
+ easy magnet installment
- high margin of error

- laser cutting soot

laser cutting the plate is a more efficient form of building the model

mood board



︎︎︎base pad has magnets so the placement can mimic ikebana floral arrangments

︎︎︎leaves have magnets on base and steel wire sewn through

︎︎︎can be turned 90 degrees in each direction to elevate plate and then elevate leaves to mimic growth

twist and grow!

︎︎︎once the child builds the habit of twisting “mixing the soil” the guardian can add “watering the plant” with the added magnetic watering can that rustles the leaves.